We're sorry to hear that!

There are a few reasons why you may be receiving an error message or having issues signing up:

  • Your card could be blocked for international transactions. Please contact your bank to
    confirm you have this feature enabled.
  • The bank in your country is not supported by our payment system. Click here to see a list
    of currently accepted countries.
  • You entered your card details incorrectly, particularly the 3-digit CVV/CVC security number.
  • Extra verification is necessary - For security reasons many banks now require an extra step at the checkout. When confirming your card details the bank attempts to send a request for a verification number/code being sent to your mobile phone.

    However, if your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Explorer etc) settings are blocking ‘pop-ups’, the bank will be unable to send the request. This is the most common cause of error messages in our system but is the easiest to fix!

    You will need to research how to update your browser settings. Here are some links that might help you find the steps you need to take:

Allow pop-ups in Chrome (Android)
Allow pop-ups in Chrome (iPhone/iOS)
Allow pop-ups in Safari (Mac)
Allow pop-ups in Microsoft Edge
Allow pop-ups in Firefox


If you're still having issues signing up after trying the above, please send an email to hello@heylady.io and we will help you look into it!