We're so thrilled to hear you're wanting to upgrade your membership! We have two plans available besides the monthly plan:
  • Our Quarterly plan is $89 USD - it saves you 24% when paying for 3 months upfront!
  • Our Yearly plan is $299 USD - it saves you 36% when paying for 12 months upfront!
The instructions below will walk you through how to switch to either a quarterly or yearly  subscription:
1. Go to your profile photo on the top right corner and click Settings. 
2. Click Membership Settings.
3. Click Switch under the new plan you want.
4. Click Switch Plan. Note: When we switch plans, we will adjust your first payment with any credit remaining on your existing plan. You can also edit your credit/debit card details if you need to.
5. Click Add billing information.
6. On the next page, you will see the pro-rata amount that you will be charged to upgrade. Here you can also edit your credit/debit card details if you need to by clicking Edit.
If/when you're happy with the payment details, tick the box next to 'I agree to Hey Lady! Terms of Sevice and Privacy Policy'
7. The Pay button will turn green. Click Pay & subscribe.
8. You will be redirected to the Membership Settings page. Refresh the page to check that you have been upgraded to the correct plan (it should say Current Plan there now)